Uganda: Refugees

Yasheen Jadidi

    There are problems in many countries located in Africa due to refugees.  Uganda is    one of  the  many countries severely affected by this issue.  Uganda is being hurt by the issue of refugees   in two ways: First, There are difficulties that Uganda itself is having causing many Ugandans to leave.  There are also afflictions in other countries causing their people to flee from their countries into Uganda.  Uganda is a country suffering from hardships caused by refugees entering and exiting Uganda.

Uganda has been severely affected by Ugandans leaving Uganda and becoming refugees in neighboring countries.  The rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the government soldiers having conflicts have caused many Ugandans to leave Uganda (Contemporary Issues, 5).  Many villages and homes have been destroyed due to civil wars in Uganda, leaving people that lived in those villages no choice but to flee to neighboring countries. These countries have very few resourced for them to rebuild these villages.  Over 1.6 million Ugandans have fled Uganda.  The refugees leaving Uganda reveals the disaster occurring in Uganda due to the conflicts between the LRA and the government soldiers.

 Refugees entering Uganda have caused Uganda to go through difficulties.  Uganda is a country that is currently holding about 270,000 refugees (Contemporary Issues, 5).  Neighboring countries such as, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Rwanda have conflicts causing these refugees to run to Uganda.  These refugees have added to Uganda’s overpopulation problems and also their environmental problems.  With a population of 31 million, the land in Uganda is insufficient to support the people. (1).Uganda is also bordered by Lake Victoria, and Lake Victoria’s pollution level is rising due to the overpopulation in Uganda.  People are also endangering a few species of fish due to overfishing (Environment, 3-4). Neighboring countries with refugee issues have brought upon Uganda, harsher overpopulation issues and environmental issues.

Uganda is a country suffering from hardships caused by refugees entering and exiting Uganda.  Refugees entering and exiting Uganda have given the country of Uganda a great deal of distress.  The country of Uganda is clearly suffering due to people entering and leaving Uganda.  If Uganda could settle its internal conflict then less Ugandans would leave.  Also, if neighboring countries did not have so many conflicting matters then there people would have to become refugees in Uganda.  If Uganda does not find a solution to this problem, then it is bound to run into many problems down the road.

Work Cited

"Uganda: Contemporary Issues." Social Studies. 2009. ABC-CLIO. 16 May 2009 <>.
----I learned basic facts about refugees from this page.

"refugee." World Geography. 2009. ABC-CLIO. 18 May 2009 <>.
----I learned about specifics about what happened with refugees and what went on with them.

"Uganda: Environment." World Geography. 2009. ABC-CLIO. 18 May 2009 <>.
----I learned about the environment of Uganda.

Last updated by Yasheen Jadidi, May 22, 2009
